Cowboy Photography Workshop July 2011

Two weeks ago, the Erickson Cattle Company held a Cowboy Photography Workshop in Ackerson Meadow near Yosemite National Park.  Here is my record of what I saw during the workshop.  Photographers were treated to lots of real cattle ranch activity.  A late rainy season kept the wildflowers and grass alive and colorful until this mid-July date.  Normally the grass is brown and the flowers are gone.

With the help of Tim Hansen and Will Bennett, Dan Erickson moves cattle across Stone Meadow.  Cabin in background is the original ranch house built by Dan’s great-great grandfather in 1892.

Dan saddles up a second horse to give his first horse a rest.

Dan and Andra Erickson move cattle from back corral.

William Henderson and Julie Kitzenberger photograph morning mist on Stone Meadow.

Horses run through muddy bog.

William Henderson photographs dew on wire fence.

At day’s end, Dan moves horses back to corral.

During the day, Andra Erickson photographs her husband with son Logan close by.

At sunrise, Dan takes a moment to give his horse a rest.

Julie Kitzenberger photographs Tim Hansen near sunset.

Andra Erickson leads horse from upper meadow.

Photographer gets a chance to capture early light.

Wyatt Hansen ropes calf.

William Henderson in foreground, Julie Kitzenberger standing at left, Charlie Phillips standing on right, Wes Schultz on far right.

Group of cowboys and cowgirl move cattle from back of corral.

Dan Erickson slips reins around neck of horse to change mounts.

Andra Erickson

Tim Hansen uses rope to move cattle.

Wyatt Hansen takes a break during morning activities.

Dan and Tim walk horse into corral.

Will Bennett and Dan Erickson take calf down after Wyatt Hansen roped it.

Wes Schultz decided to photograph me.

Wes’s photograph of me.



Cowboy Photographic Workshop 2010

August 14, 2010, I participated as a teacher for the Erickson Cattle Company Photography Workshop in Ackerson Meadow near Yosemite National Park.  I love to share my knowledge with others plus get an opportunity to make a couple images at the same time.  A good part of my career was motivating, coaching, helping, and problem solving with photographers, so a workshop is a good match for me.  I have known the Erickson family cowboys since the late sixties, which is just a drop in the bucket when you consider their family has been moving cattle every summer to graze in the Yosemite National Park area for over 120 years.

Cowboys start at sunrise; Dan Erickson is moving cows along a fence line so photographers can get a good image.  We are going to have two dates this year for the Erickson Cattle Company Photography workshops July 16th – 17th and August 13th – 14th.  This workshop is a great opportunity for photographers of all levels to photograph real working cowboys in their natural environment so that you’ll be sure to make images that will enhance your portfolio.  I’ll be there for hands-on photo coaching to help with all technical questions as well as any creative guidance, and I’ll provide one-on-one editing after our shoot.  If you are interested, email me at for more information.

Safety is always a consideration.  We organize shooting positions so we don’t interfere with other photographers.  After the early morning shooting, a chuck wagon style lunch is served.  We work with photographers to edit their work and plan the upcoming sessions.

During the day, cowboys do their normal duties.  These activities are close enough for photographers to photograph.  The cowboys do everything from roping and herding cattle to running horses and saddling them.  The scenery is beautiful and the cowboys are the real thing.  If you would like to see more of my cowboy images click here to view them on PhotoShelter.